Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm still here!

Sorry for having gone AWOL for the past week or so. I am still here, still dedicated to this project. I am hoping to have a few changes in place by the end of the week to make the blog even better, so please stop back. I'm also planning to work on a bunch more book pack ideas to post soon. So..........stay tuned and keep spreading the word. (And let me know when you've made a book drop so I can add it to our total count.) THANKS so much for your support!


  1. I'm glad you will be back I have missed your posts. I have some books that I am donating to either needy families or a young children's organization, can you count those toward your book drop total? I plan to add some activities with the books.

  2. This is such an awesome idea! My son Parker and I are going to pledge to drop 20 books this year. I will keep you posted as we hunt out treasures in used bookstores and assemble packets to drop :)
